Monday, April 28, 2008

11 days

Leah Claire is almost 2 weeks old and loving life!

She only lost 3 oz at her 1 week appointment and she's the picture of health. Her sleeping pattern is still wonderful - sleeping about 3 - 5 hours between nite feedings and just "gulping" down her bottles. She really likes to eat :)
She is a true joy in our lives!

Having 3 children is a day to day adventure. I've taken all of them out and about a couple of times now. It's quite a time consuming chore to load and unload. Ella can buckle herself in her car seat, but Devon requires assistance. And no one can get out of their seats without help.

We all went to Kohls on Friday afternoon for new summer pajamas. I had a baby strapped to the front of me, Devon in a stroller and Ella holding my hand. The girls did wonderful, and Devon was good except when he stood up in the cart and almost tipped out on his head! I caught him right in the nick of time. Whew!

We all went on a walk Sunday afternoon. Ella drove her purple Jeep and Devon and Leah cruised in the double stroller. Mommy only made it one time around the block before she was out of breath. Oh well, at least we got out of the house and enjoyed the nice weather. After our rather short walk, we all sat outside and colored on the driveway and watered the flowers before heading inside for dinner. Daddy even surprised us and came home early to play!