Tuesday, April 22, 2008

What a blessing!

We have been so blessed by all the family and friends who have generously offered their time and encouragement with the birth of Leah. Thank you DeeDee and BoBo for watching Ella and Devon while we were at the hospital. Thanks Nana and Papa for keeping them for 2 nites so that Leah could settle in to her new home, and Mommy and Daddy could rest up and just enjoy 1 baby.

It has been a fairly easy 1st week at home with Leah. She is a great eater and good sleeper.
It's been wonderful having meals brought in every nite by our Sunday School Class. Thank you Covenant! We even got an unexpected flower arrangement delivered yesterday from the class!

Leah has her 1st dr. appt. tomorrow morning. I'm anxious to see if our little chunk has gained any weight.

Ella and Devon are still adjusting. Ella is taking on her role as "big sissy" with ease, while Devon is still not sure. He mumbled under his breath, "I don't like baby Leah," Monday nite at dinner. I asked him why and he looked down and said, "Just because." Earlier that evening he had dumped a whole bucket of toys while a guest was here and then insisted on sitting in Leah's bouncy seat knowing he would get a spanking if he did. His jealousy has started to fade, but I'm sure there will be more "trying" times ahead.

My sweet "bubba" is not the baby anymore.