Thursday, March 24, 2011

"The best day of my life" by: Devon White

A crisp Friday morning in early March made a 4 year old boy's dreams come true!

Thank you Kara, Danny, and Danny Sr. for a magical day!

Baby dolls make the bestest friends!

Priss Pots

Lost a tooth!

Ella lost her very first tooth on March 9, 2011! Her friend, Elaine, pulled it out for her.

Their conversation was hilarious... "Just yank it, Ella!" "NO, it's going to hurt!" "Humph! Just let me do it!"

That evening we had a discussion on who/what the tooth fairy was. Maybe a girl, maybe a boy? How will the fairy get in our house, etc. Ella insisted I take down the sign on her door that read, "NO BOYS ALLOWED" just in case :)
She was also very concerned that her little tooth pillow would not be big enough to hold all the money!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Doggies, Butterflies, and Bats, OH MY!

Lesson in Cow (post New Year's Day visit)

Beef... it's what's for dinner.

Sales Lady

It's never to early to teach your child how to be a good salesperson.


Jan/Feb 2011

There has been LOTS of snow this winter. So glad to say it's finally Spring!

We took advantage of the snow, but mostly kept it warm and stayed indoors.
Here are some of the activities that have filled the last 2 months.

Yes, we are still alive!

Going to start posting again soon!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

New Years Day discoveries

David took the kids out to the Stutzman farm on New Years Day for a lesson in COW.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Party like it's 1989!

New Year's Eve was totally 80s!
Gene Simmons from the band KISS (aka David White)

Jem aka Jill White

Flashdance girl aka Carrie Raymond

Toni Basil aka Beth Stutzman

Christmas morning

Of course I was too busy enjoying the morning to take many pics, but here are a few. Ella's "big" gift was an electric scooter which she had to test out on a chilly Christmas morning.

Christmas Eve at DeeDee's House

American Girl Dolls!

It was a special day of surprises and time spent with wonderful family!

Decorating cookies for Santa Clause

Listening to Bobo read, "The Night Before Christmas."