Leah Claire is almost 2 weeks old and loving life!
She only lost 3 oz at her 1 week appointment and she's the picture of health. Her sleeping pattern is still wonderful - sleeping about 3 - 5 hours between nite feedings and just "gulping" down her bottles. She really likes to eat :)
She is a true joy in our lives!
Having 3 children is a day to day adventure. I've taken all of them out and about a couple of times now. It's quite a time consuming chore to load and unload. Ella can buckle herself in her car seat, but Devon requires assistance. And no one can get out of their seats without help.
We all went to Kohls on Friday afternoon for new summer pajamas. I had a baby strapped to the front of me, Devon in a stroller and Ella holding my hand. The girls did wonderful, and Devon was good except when he stood up in the cart and almost tipped out on his head! I caught him right in the nick of time. Whew!
We all went on a walk Sunday afternoon. Ella drove her purple Jeep and Devon and Leah cruised in the double stroller. Mommy only made it one time around the block before she was out of breath. Oh well, at least we got out of the house and enjoyed the nice weather. After our rather short walk, we all sat outside and colored on the driveway and watered the flowers before heading inside for dinner. Daddy even surprised us and came home early to play!
Monday, April 28, 2008
11 days
Posted by Jill White at 8:54 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
What a blessing!
We have been so blessed by all the family and friends who have generously offered their time and encouragement with the birth of Leah. Thank you DeeDee and BoBo for watching Ella and Devon while we were at the hospital. Thanks Nana and Papa for keeping them for 2 nites so that Leah could settle in to her new home, and Mommy and Daddy could rest up and just enjoy 1 baby.
It has been a fairly easy 1st week at home with Leah. She is a great eater and good sleeper.
It's been wonderful having meals brought in every nite by our Sunday School Class. Thank you Covenant! We even got an unexpected flower arrangement delivered yesterday from the class!
Leah has her 1st dr. appt. tomorrow morning. I'm anxious to see if our little chunk has gained any weight.
Ella and Devon are still adjusting. Ella is taking on her role as "big sissy" with ease, while Devon is still not sure. He mumbled under his breath, "I don't like baby Leah," Monday nite at dinner. I asked him why and he looked down and said, "Just because." Earlier that evening he had dumped a whole bucket of toys while a guest was here and then insisted on sitting in Leah's bouncy seat knowing he would get a spanking if he did. His jealousy has started to fade, but I'm sure there will be more "trying" times ahead.
My sweet "bubba" is not the baby anymore.
Posted by Jill White at 12:16 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Leah Claire White has arrived!
Thursday, April 17th at 2:44pm Ms. Leah Claire was born. It was a wonderful day! My delivery experience was just about perfect - and Leah IS perfect! A healthy and plump little girl :)
She was 8 lbs 11 oz. and 21 inches long. (We were all expecting a 7 lb baby, but she surprised us all - even the doctor!)
Ella and Devon saw her right after she was born. Ella was so excited, but didn't really want to touch her because she was still "dirty." Devon just wanted to sit in Mommy's lap. Since we've been home, Ella has been very involved - she helped Daddy give Leah her 1st bath at home. Ella is going to be a wonderful big sissy!Leah has been eating about 2 oz at every feeding and going about 3-4 hrs between bottles during the day. She's also been sleeping 5 hours thru the nite. From about 1-6am. Way to go Leah!
Her dark hair and eyes and olive-toned skin are a drastic change from my other 2 babies. I admit, it took me awhile to embrace the differences.
We definitely wanted a brown eyed baby - I just didn't think it could really happen after 2 fair skinned, blue eyed newborns.
Yea! David finally got his brown eyed girl! (her eyes are still very dark blue right now - but there are lines of brown starting to appear)
"Peek-a-boo Leah! "
Posted by Jill White at 8:24 AM 2 comments
Monday, April 14, 2008
Over 40 weeks pregnant!
Looks like Leah will have to be forced out on Thursday. We check in at SouthCrest Hospital 7:30 am to start the process. She should be here by 5pm if everything goes as planned. (Ella and Devon were both induced, and I delivered at exactly 4:48pm with each of them!)
I'm slowly coming to terms with the fact that I won't be able to share "water breaking" stories with my girls someday. That I just won't understand contractions that aren't induced, or racing to the hospital because "baby's comin'." I guess that's not in the cards for me.... or God just knows that the chance of giving birth without an epidural is NOT an option!
I still have to wait it out 2 more days - so, I suppose, anything could happen.
The kids play with the toys upstairs and downstairs, then have "parties" in the bedrooms. They drag toys all over the place! But after bathtime, they move in on DeeDee's closet for dress-up. Why, you ask? We have no clue, but it's quite comical :)
Posted by Jill White at 11:57 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Another "scary" thunderstorm
I remember when I used to love stormy nites. Sleeping so good to the sound of rain on my window. Even as a kid we would open the back door and watch the storm come in, listen to a little Eddie Rabbitt, "I love a rainy nite," and just enjoy the weather. Well, those days are long gone. Instead, I now spend the entire nite with a 3 year old "spooned" to the back side of me, and a 2 year old tucking his bottom in the small space between my boobs and gigantic belly!
So from 2am until 7:45 this morning, I try and sleep while sweating like a pig, trying not to pee on myself, and smelling raunchy toddler breath. (Why does their breath smell so bad? I swear we brush their teeth!)
We have got to get a handle on the "scary" thunder thing. Any ideas? My only new thought is that I'll let David take the next rain storm and I'll sleep on the couch!
Posted by Jill White at 10:02 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 7, 2008
I'm at a "1"
So I'm 5 days from my due date and Leah is really no closer to being here than she was last week. I'm barely dilated to 1 cm. and my cervix is extremely posterior (if that makes any sense to anyone?) My entire family thinks I'm going to go into labor before the 12th, but I don't think my body knows how! Ella and Devon were both induced and I think Leah is waiting on the pitocin drip as well. :)
We changed the induction date to Thursday, April 17th - so that means 10 more days of pregnancy. Of course, I'm ready for her to get here, but I'm not THAT miserable. Total weight gain has been 33 lbs, and I even lost a pound this week. (The doc said this was normal at the end) I just don't want some 10lb kid to try and squeeze out of me! Ella and Devon were both in the 7 lb range, so hopefully Leah will be too. I'll keep you posted on my last pregnancy... did I mention David's vasectomy is scheduled for May 12th heehee...
Posted by Jill White at 1:15 PM 0 comments
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Just a couple of old Easter pics from our day in Pryor. The cousins are ready for the hunt and equally as ready to search for prizes in each egg!
Posted by Jill White at 8:03 PM 0 comments
Rainy Thursday
Posted by Jill White at 7:45 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 3, 2008
New Blogger
Alright, I'm going to try and do this "blog" thing since our family website has not been updated since January. Be patient with me. My hope is that I can update you with pics of the kids on a regular basis.
Here is Devon's 2 yr pic. Are you smiling yet? How can you not "lite up" when you see that precious face :) Gotta love bubba!

Here are 2 of my favorite pictures of Ella from last summer. She's in absolute "heaven." Ice cream on a perfect summer day! We're ALL excited for more of those days this coming summer :)
Posted by Jill White at 11:17 AM 3 comments