Wednesday, December 17, 2008

"Tents & Ass"

The icy weather has kept us pretty much inside the last 3 days. On Monday, gymnastics was canceled and Ella's preschool Christmas program was canceled on Tuesday... I was so sad. (It has been rescheduled for January though, yea!) David had already taken the day off on Tuesday, so instead of watching angels and drummer boys sing "rum-pa-pa-pum," we went and celebrated the holidays with a Ricardos lunch. Yummy!

Today has yet again been another cold "inside" day.
We've built tents, sang songs, read books, constructed puzzles, cooked play food, danced to music, and watched a little Noggin.

We also organized our Little People nativity scene. The shepherds and donkey/ass happily admired baby Jesus from afar .......

as Devon methodically approached.......

the happy ass was all too soon devoured by hungry dinosaurs! RRROAR!