What a FUN week!
We played at the park.
Traveled to Edmond to visit with my dear friend Jeanette.
Had Larry and Amy Schmidt over for dinner. (Thanks for the great haircut Amy!)
Took Leah for her 2 month appointment. She was in the 99% for weight and 97% for height!
AND went to Kiddie Park... but I forgot my camera
All clean and ready for bed. Good-nite!
Friday, June 27, 2008
June (week 4)
Posted by Jill White at 1:44 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 22, 2008
I've always been a pretty organized person. 'To do lists' are my friend. I like to have a plan. And for now, our plans revolve around Leah's feedings .... you just don't want to get caught on a long car ride, or in a grocery store with a hungry baby. Yet there are some things that MUST be done even when it's feeding time. Here are some tasks I've found I can do while feeding a bottle.
1) Make dinner.... this requires the bottle under chin technique and an acute awareness of dangling baby toes.
2) Bathe toddlers..... this involves feeding 1/2 the bottle, a quick scrub down for Ella and Devon, then feeding the other 1/2 while the kids "air dry."
3) Wipe a butt.... (NO, not mine you sicko!) You just can't plan around a potty training toddler.
4) Clean up toys.... aka kick toys to their appropriate location.
Mommy multi-tasking at its finest!
Today was the first time I felt that annoyed look from strangers while out running errands. I usually get smiles and the occasional, "You've got your hands full," or "Oh, you poor thing." But the on-lookers today gave off that arrogant/"I'm more important that you and your 3 children attitude!" You know, the one where they're thinking... "Why is that lady shopping with 3 little kids?" "Why did I get stuck behind this lady in line?" People just weren't kind today. I guess that's what I get for grocery shopping on a Sunday morning with all the heathens!
I was looking thru a box of family pics and found this pic of me (3 1/2), Tracy (2) and Carrie (9 mo). Just about the same ages of mine right now. (Leah is a couple months younger than Carrie here.)
I giggled when I found this picture of myself. I guess Miss Leah isn't the only chubby baby in the family.
Posted by Jill White at 12:49 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Little skivvies
Why are little boys underwear so hysterical? I laugh every time Devon runs around in his stretched out little skivvies. He insists, "I do it myself." So backward, inside-out.... whatever holes his legs may be in, that's how they stay. And seriously, if he'll go potty by himself, then who really cares about the underwear anyway?
I could try to take credit for this potty training accomplishment. He IS 2 years and 3 months old... pretty good, huh? But, I'll give him the glory - way to go Devon! You are a big boy now..... with (oh my word!) big boy poop!
(Thank you for not making me scrape that off your butt!)
Posted by Jill White at 1:34 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 15, 2008
June (week 2)
Is that really an 8 week old baby? Yep, all 12 lbs of her!
I decided that Ella and Devon needed to know their address tonite. So while we played on the swing set, we made up a little tune to help us memorize it. And although they followed the tune with street address rather well, they just couldn't understand why we were talking about "a-dress." Ella kept saying, "but mommy, Devon doesn't wear "a-ddress." and Devon kept telling her that we were, "just pretending."
Devon has been fascinated with where things come from lately. Everything from what we eat, to his clothes and toys. He asks, "where this come from?"
About 90% of the time my answer is Wal-mart!
Smarty pants Ella had lunch with Nanny and DeeDee at THE Montereau this week. Nanny asked her if she would come back and have lunch again sometime and Ella's response was, "Maybe I will.... and maybe I won't." Hey, she knows how to keep her "options open."
I took the kids to the Jenks splash park one evening last week. It's the one water activity I can do by myself with all 3. I'm not brave/crazy enough to take them all to the pool alone!
hmmm.. maybe the kids could pack and drive on our next vacation?
Well... maybe not :)
Posted by Jill White at 7:42 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Happy Father's Day
Never in a million years did I think that when we married, my love for you could triple. The way you love Ella, Devon, and Leah fills me with love for you! Happy Father's Day David.
Posted by Jill White at 1:47 PM 1 comments
Monday, June 9, 2008
Swimmin' in Pryor
We went to Pryor over the weekend so that David could play in the annual church golf tournament. After golf David, Ella, and Devon went
swimming in Nana's pool. Ella and Devon have no fear of the water which scares me
half to death! I'll be much more relaxed around the pool once they can swim.
Missy Prissy lounged poolside in her new green striped swimsuit with slimming skirt :)
Friday afternoon before Avery Krieg's 3rd birthday party we stopped for a quick lunch at Sonic.
My kids love corn dogs.... especially Devon. He just figured out how good the "crispy stick" is. Yummy! (Ella usually talks him into giving up his stick so she can indulge in the crunchy batter.)
Posted by Jill White at 10:52 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Playin' outside
Long gone are the days of eating at nice restaurants or even enjoying my food at the kitchen table. (No wonder it's hard to lose post-pregnancy weight when you're scarfing down left-over chicken nuggets and gulping caffeinated Cokes to keep up with 3 children) I actually find that my most enjoyable and relaxing meal time is sitting behind the wheel of my van with all the kids strapped down. *Today I am thankful for drive-thrus*
This morning we all ventured out to the grocery store. Ella and Devon sat in the 2 person car-cart and I strapped Leah to the front of me in the Baby Bjorn.
It works pretty good although stray cans of food and miscellaneous bottom shelf items often appear in the laps of my toddlers - oh well :)
We stopped at Sonic on the way home for corn dogs, tater-tots, and slushes. (I thoroughly enjoyed my meal!) While sipping on his drink, Devon decided to pull the straw out of this cup. Why do all kids do this? Anyway, instead of placing the straw back in the hole he stuck his finger in the straw opening. He immediately started crying and yelling that his finger was getting "p-eee-nched." "Just pull out your finger son," I insisted with a giggle. But no, the "lid monster" wouldn't let go! Finally we arrived home and I yanked his little finger loose. Maybe next time he'll leave the straw in his cup!
Last night the kids enjoyed the 90 degree weather. They were anxious to play outside since it was stormy on Saturday and Sunday. We got golf-ball sized hail both days!The sprinkler session all to soon turned into a red-neck free-for- all! Make shift water slide and birthday bathing suits included.
Posted by Jill White at 10:47 AM 0 comments