Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Music Camp

Music camp blew me away this year! The theme was "The Lord's Army." The crafts, songs, and activities were spectacular. My kids loved it, even though they knew no one in their class! I wondered how they would handle walking into a situation where everyone was "strangers," but they both did great! It was a long week driving back and forth from Pryor to Broken Arrow everyday. Thank goodness I had my shopping buddy (Leah) to keep me company and DeeDee's house to resort to during the day!


Ashley said...

OOOH I hope ours is the same. How fun. Sad the kids weren't together...maybe NEXT year?!

Anonymous said...

Sure wish I could have been at the program this year instead of at The Wizard of Oz! I really liked seeing Jill and the kids everyday that week!

love, DeeDee