Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sunday Reflections

I promised myself not to turn this blog into a narrative journal of JILL, but tonite as my husband sits in solitude reading a medical book, filling his brain with useful information, I've been reflecting upon all the useful information I've gained this weekend...

(1)Don't ever go to ULTA on a Saturday nite. The place is filled with high-school fashionistas and 40 year-old single women. ALL of whom are applying for ULTA credit cards.

(2)We should all buy cage-free eggs.... or so says my best-friend... and Oprah. (Personally, I don't care if that chicken got to run around on the farm before he laid my breakfast. )

(3)A child with only 2 teeth can consume an entire hot-dog. (Yes, that would be my child)

(4)The only thing a sick child will eat is guacamole. (Yes, that would be my other child)

(5)Popcorn is NOT on the same aisle as chips at Wal-mart.

(6)Organic and hormone-free food is a must... or so says my best-friend. (Listen up BFF, I don't think I should be taking advice from a mother who sat her 5 and 8 year-old down in the movie theater while she went to retrieve snacks, only to return and realize she had guided her precious, innocent, virgin-eyed children into a showing of Slumdog Millionaire instead of Hotel for Dogs.)


Anonymous said...

Speaking of Wal-mart. Do you ever have issues with our new walmart? They NEVER have everything on my list. If I have a list of 10 things they are sure to be out of at LEAST 2! I called and complained to the manager only for him to tell me "it's a new store. all new store's have problems". He was sooooo rude. He even sounded like he didn't believe me. He made me give him a list of things they are out of. I know it's not just me with the problem b/c I've talked to several others. I was wondering if you've noticed that? I'm so irriated that I have been driving back across the river to go to neighborhood mkt.


Anonymous said...
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