It's icy outside, school is closed, and we're stuck inside today.
Update: Devon is feeling much better after battling bronchitis for almost a week, but now Ella and Leah are sick with fevers,runny noses, and coughs.
Hopefully our family can leave all the "icky-sickies" in January and get back to being happy and healthy.
Picture of the White Family by Ella. Can you find each family member?
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Stuck inside
Posted by Jill White at 8:42 AM 3 comments
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Sunday Reflections
I promised myself not to turn this blog into a narrative journal of JILL, but tonite as my husband sits in solitude reading a medical book, filling his brain with useful information, I've been reflecting upon all the useful information I've gained this weekend...
(1)Don't ever go to ULTA on a Saturday nite. The place is filled with high-school fashionistas and 40 year-old single women. ALL of whom are applying for ULTA credit cards.
(2)We should all buy cage-free eggs.... or so says my best-friend... and Oprah. (Personally, I don't care if that chicken got to run around on the farm before he laid my breakfast. )
(3)A child with only 2 teeth can consume an entire hot-dog. (Yes, that would be my child)
(4)The only thing a sick child will eat is guacamole. (Yes, that would be my other child)
(5)Popcorn is NOT on the same aisle as chips at Wal-mart.
(6)Organic and hormone-free food is a must... or so says my best-friend. (Listen up BFF, I don't think I should be taking advice from a mother who sat her 5 and 8 year-old down in the movie theater while she went to retrieve snacks, only to return and realize she had guided her precious, innocent, virgin-eyed children into a showing of Slumdog Millionaire instead of Hotel for Dogs.)
Posted by Jill White at 7:15 PM 2 comments
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Sick again
Poor little Devon is sick again! Not the "pukes" this time, but bronchitis/croup. He's been running around a 102 degree temp and feeling pretty awful. His poor little cheeks and ears are flushed with fever in this picture.Other random happenings at our house include this Barbie stretching session. If you haven't already figured it out - Ella really likes gymnastics!
Leah has started strutting her stuff to the music. Check out her cool back-up dancer dude!
Posted by Jill White at 5:57 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Early onset Alzheimers
I'm seriously losing my mind! This week I've (1) left my cell phone at the gym (2) left a purchased bag of potatos in the cart at Wal-mart (3) forgot it was Ella's day for snack at preschool (4) And left my purse, yes my purse, in the middle of the parking lot sitting in a grocery cart. (This was a separate incident from the abandoned potatos.) Thank goodness my purse was still there when I drove back to find it.
So is it age, sleep deprivation, or can I just blame this memory loss on the the 3 children that stole my brain cells while in utero? Whatever the cause, I've got to get a grip on things! Oh my gosh! I just figured it out... I'm turning into my husband. Oh Lord help us!
Posted by Jill White at 8:22 AM 3 comments
Monday, January 19, 2009
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Puke Fest
Sunday afternoon was a happy time. Sunday evening, not so happy. Devon puked from 11pm to 5 am. Ella only puked once on Monday at 11:30. Then it was Devon's turn again, and again.
Leah, and I have been spared from this nasty virus so far. AND Devon has not puked today. He's even kept down his breakfast and lunch. We are heading toward happier times again. Yea!
Don't the girls look soo cute in their matching sweaters? Leah is almost crawling. She'll be 9 months old on Saturday, can you believe it? So back
to the real reason I'm posting today......
Devon is feeling much better.... 9 pukes, 5 baths, and 2 vomit-topped stuffed animals later (shhh... don't tell Devon that Big Dog, and Donkey are headed to the land fill) Ohh, and I'm feeling much better too.. after 9 loads of vomit laundry, 2 Resolve carpet cleanings, and a full 8 hours of sleep last nite!
Seriously, as long as mommy's n
ot sick life is good!
Posted by Jill White at 12:17 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Our first attempt at family bowling was quite a success! Now, I don't mean score wise (I'm terrible), but fun wise it scored a 300! We rented a sweet, black light, video music lane for an hour with the Lane family and cheered each other on. The automatic bumpers went up for the kids (and me) and they even had a little ramp that Ella and Devon could prop their ball up on for extra momentum. All in all it was a great activity for a cold January day.
And, of course, an afternoon of fun is never complete without a few snacks!
Posted by Jill White at 6:30 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Christmas Day in Pryor
After a HUGE breakfast on Christmas morning, Papa took the cousins on a backyard adventure.
Leah was still hungry after breakfast....
Posted by Jill White at 10:29 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 2, 2009
My "big boy" bicycle
Look who's riding his first bicycle!
Devon was so proud of himself on New Year's Day. (I was a little shocked that he could maneuver his little Huffy so well.) Oh, and the hat and glasses.. that's just classic Devon. I don't think fashion is going to be his strong suit.... sorry daddy :)
Posted by Jill White at 7:39 PM 0 comments
Cheese Puff
Leah has now consumed every fruit and veggie baby food possible, so I figured it was time to move up the food pyramid to The Dairy Group. (It does have "cheese" in the name.... doesn't that count?)
Let's put those 2 little bottom teeth to work with some "crunch!" And, yes, I do know about the Gerber baby puffs which Leah does enjoy... but who could deny the ultimate first puff known to man... the Cheese Puff! MMM!
Posted by Jill White at 7:19 PM 0 comments