Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Tornado Sirens

We had our first tornado scare of the season 2 weeks ago. The sirens sounded - and we decided.... "better safe than sorry." Our nice neighbors across the street have a storm shelter, so we woke the kids from a dead sleep around 10pm and hurried them over in the rain and wind. Ella found the experience exciting, Leah was scared, and Devon decided it would be a great opportunity to pass gas while huddled in the shelter. (And of course, his audible fart and crooked smile did "cut" the tension! )

When we got back to our house around 10:30, I put the kids back to bed and asked them each what they thought about tornados. Here are Leah's thoughts,


Amy said...

Cute pictures! We spent some time in the closet and listening to all the questions Dale had was quite entertaining. I love Leah's thoughts! :)

The Raymers said...

We actually came to Pryor because we thought they were headed for Claremore! So we ended up waking ours up too and going to my parents' neighbors' safe room. Bryce screamed the whole time!! Quite a night!