Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Leah's "proud" face!

Last Tuesday Leah gave me the signal that she might be ready to potty-train. We were at dinner and she immediately said "shooey" after she poopied in her diaper.... This has got to be a sign, right? (Leah will be 17 mo. old tomorrow.)
So on Wednesday, I pulled down the little potty chair from up in her closet and we ALL had a pee-pee party. Leah sat on her potty and made poo-poo and pee-pee noises while Ella and Devon showed her how they potty on the real toilet.
That afternoon she woke up from nap with a dry diaper so I sat her on the potty and she peed!!!! Maybe just luck, but whatever, we partied and danced around and called everyone to tell them the good news.
Since then.... no pee, but no pressure either. She's sat on the potty a few times during the last couple days, but with no success.
WELL, today is another exciting day!!! At snack time she told me "shooey".... I checked her diaper - no poop. So I sat her on her potty chair, gave her a couple of Elmo books to read and "Voila!" her first poopy in the potty! (Yes, I have a picture, but I'll spare you this time) She was SOO proud.


Lindsay said...

Yea for Leah! I am ready for Capri to potty train because that means no more diapers at our house!!! However with a move to a rental and then a move to our new house, all before Capri's second birthday. I think I'll hold off until at least then.

Anonymous said...

yeah Leah!! we are so proud of you. you are getting to be such a big girl and what a cutie! keep up the good work Jill.

we love you all,

Deedee and Bobo