Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Devon's "S" portraits

I bit the bullet and went back to THE portrait studio that I was so disappointed with over the holidays.

For those of you who read the blog, you know which studio I'm talking about, let's just call it "S" from here on out. (I am refraining from using the name due to some "hate" comments that surfaced.) So, "Why in the heck would you go back there?" Well my friends, it's all about value. Or in other words, I'm cheap! I can purchase an 8x10, 2 5x7s, and 8 wallets all for only $9.99. Now that's a deal. And I'm all about deals these days. Although, I must admit, I felt a wee bit naughty after shunning "S" and then returning only for a "cheap" thrill.

Now, I didn't go back to the "S" that is located at the Mall, but instead went all the way to the "S" across town. I was a little scared that my name would pull up a big black "X." But to my surprise, the manager had no idea who I was. No costume or alias needed, I was an incognito disgruntled customer.

The photo session for Devon went wonderful, and to my surprise after small talk with the manager she asked me if I would be interested in being an assistant manager at "S" portrait studio. Seriously?! Yes, seriously! Of course, I politely declined, but still, what a weird turn of events. Don't you think?

There must be a lesson in all of this, but I can't seem to figure out what it is.... Gripers get jobs, Mean people win, I just don't know. Needless to say, I will be returning to "S" for Leah's pictures next month.

My torn relationship with "S" is back on!


Anonymous said...

What a handsome little man! Great pictures! Glad it went better this time. See you next week.


Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

Devon looks like a professional model! He is the cutest little boy I know.

Submitted by a proud DeeDee

The Raymers said...

Wow...I can't believe you went back! I'm glad you had a better experience this time. And they offered you a job? That's insane! The pics are very cute! See you Wednesday!