What could be better than playing outside in 90 degree weather, wearing a bathing suit, and eating a popsicle? I believe THIS could be Kid Heaven!
Now this time, just watch Devon in the video... major hilarious brain freeze!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Breezy, freezy afternoon
Posted by Jill White at 6:46 PM 1 comments
David in D.C.
David returned home from his 5 day Washington D.C. trip on Wednesday.
He was one of 3 students chosen from TCU to attended the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists conference.
Cruisin' in the Metro-Link.
"Babe-r-ham Lincoln"
Posted by Jill White at 11:25 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 20, 2009
Leah's Party
Morning Donuts with DeeDee and Bobo
New stroller from Mommy and Daddy
Dressed up for my party... and still strollin'
Posted by Jill White at 6:50 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 17, 2009
Happy Birthday Leah Claire!
365 days ago an 8 lb 11oz baby girl popped into this world. She's been loving life ever since! Happy and easy-going, pudgy and kissable, she's our sweet little Leah Claire.
Posted by Jill White at 8:00 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
Farm animals
Ella jumped right in and brushed the goat, picked up the chicken, and cradled the duck. She was a natural with the animals.
Devon, not so much.
This is a portrait by Ella and Bobo of what happened when Devon squeezed the poor little duck a little to tight.
This is Mommy's thoughts on the whole ordeal.
Posted by Jill White at 8:00 AM 1 comments
Sunday, April 5, 2009
1. steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving successSaturday evening we decided to go on a biking adventure.
We've done this before - it's fun, really. Ella rides, Devon rides, (training wheels for both of course) and Leah sits her fluffy self in the stroller while David or I push.
The Jenk's pedestrian bridge was our starting point. The goal - about a mile away, thus making our trek there and back a little over 2 miles. This is doable.
Push, push, pedal, pedal... we were on our way.
We were almost to our goal point when Ella's pedals started spinning; we'd had a "de-chainment." No problem, just put the chain back on. (This is easier said than done.) The chain was totally enclosed by plastic. I suppose they do this to ensure the chain doesn't fall off. (Mr. Huffy - this does not work.)
So, David sat down along the trail to pry the plastic apart and re-chain the bicycle. About 10 minutes into the delicate procedure..."POP!" Nope, it wasn't Ella's bike wheel. It was the stroller wheel. Yes, the poor thing had busted.. with Leah sitting in it. -insert fat baby joke here-.
Video: This was Ella's idea of how she could hitch a ride home w/o her bicycle.
Broken bike. Broken stroller. Van a mile away.
"This dilema calls for a perfect photo opportunity!" So, I quickly pulled my camera out of my pocket and snapped a beautiful picture of Ella's behind.
All the while, I began to hear cars honking along Riverside Drive. "Hmmm, are they honking and waving at my sweet Ella? Let me put down my camera and take a look."
Devon had wandered up to the shoulder of the road to "look" at the cars going 50 mph. -insert thoughts of what a terrible mother I am-After a long talk with Devon about how cars can kill little boys, David finally got the chain back on and we headed back toward Jenks. Ella and Devon pedaled their bikes back with a little assistance from Daddy and a stick while I pushed Pudge Pop in the flat-wheeled stroller - metal against asphalt.
Posted by Jill White at 2:51 PM 0 comments